Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Patience is a virtue

Sunday, Atilla and I braved the terrible roads with the help of our friend's 4 wheel drive truck and we made it to the Lancaster train station. We were so happy to have at least made it to the first part of our travel experience. Then we purchased our train tickets to Philadelphia, which was promptly delayed, so we waited. Then we got to Philadelphia, purchased our Septa tickets to get the airport and our Septa train was delayed. Once we finally got to the airport we went to the Delta check-in and realized that the line was so long for the check-in that it spanned the entire check-in area from one end of the building to the other end (where American Airlines is situated). There was barely room to breathe and it was chaotic and confusing. Atilla noticed a girl who looked Turkish and started speaking to her. She found out through the internet on her phone that our flight had been cancelled yet again! This time we were all the way at the check-in!

I feel really terrible for Atilla. He hasn't been home for 3 years and he finally wants to go home and he only has a certain amount of time off, and now we have to wait until Saturday Dec. 26 for our flight. He was quite frustrated yesterday, but we just decided we would head back to Lancaster the next day and he would go to work. We both felt really odd being at home since we had mentally prepared ourselves to be elsewhere, but today feels more normal.

The nice thing is that we get to spend more time with friends here in Lancaster and we have such a wonderful community to come home to. Yesterday when we got home, Atilla went to work and I walked to Cheryl's store (Expressly Local) because we had no food in the house. Cheryl and Atayehu were so surprised to see me! We had such a warm exchange and Atayehu was even able to give me a ride home (I had a heavy bag full of food for us to eat for the week) and she gave us some of her delicious food to eat. I will probably go to Central Market today and surprise Laura too!

I hope the weather this weekend is sunny and clear!
